A place to share news with our staff.
This is a public page as we are an open and transparent business, but the articles here might be more applicable for our internal teams.
If there’s something missing or a question you want to raise:
For Black Lives Matter questions, please email included@lush.co.uk
For Employee Benefit Trust questions, please email ebt@lush.co.uk
For People Support, please email people.services@lush.co.uk or call 01202 006460
- A SOCIAL Manifesto
- All staff business update 2024
- Safer socials, 2025
- Lush Russia Update
- Lush announce new independent EBT trustee
- Lush is becoming anti-social
- New Lush Commerce site
- Lush X ASOS
- COVID-19: Lush Updates
- COVID-19: Temporary closures and re-openings
- How do we get out of Lockdown?
- Brexit information for Lush Staff
- Company Statement on Charity Pot Donations: 1/12/2020
- Company Response : Charity Pot Donations 2021
- Unions