Dublin Marathon 2024 Promotion Terms and Conditions

Dublin Marathon 2024 (“Event”) Promotion Terms and Conditions
Please Note: This Promotion applies to the Leeds Marathon 2024 completers only. This does not include the Dublin Half-Marathon.
- The Promotion: These terms and conditions (“Terms”) apply to this Dublin Marathon
2024 Promotion (“Promotion”). For the avoidance of doubt, this Promotion does not
include the Dublin Half-Marathon. By taking part in the Promotion, you agree to be
bound by these Terms. It is a condition of participation in the Promotion that all Terms
are accepted as final. - The Promoter: This Promotion is organised by LUSH LTD, a company registered in
England and Wales, with registered company number 02940032 at registered office
address 29 High Street, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1AB (“LUSH”, “us”, “our” or “the
Promoter”). - Accepting the Terms and Conditions: By participating in this Promotion through
Participating Stores, you also agree to be bound by the terms and conditions at that
store. If there is a conflict between these Terms and any of the other terms and
conditions mentioned above, these Terms will take priority. - In the event of any dispute regarding the Terms or the conduct of this Promotion, the
decision of LUSH shall be final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered
into. - Your attention is drawn in particular to the limitations of liability contained in these Terms.
- Promotional Period: This Promotion runs from 27 th October 2024 to 29 th October 2024
for medallists of the Event, during the Participating LUSH Store opening hours. - Participating Stores: This Promotion is subject to availability and while stocks last,
through the following LUSH Ireland Stores: Dublin Grafton Street and Lush Dundrum and
Lush Henry Street (“Participating Stores”). This Promotion is not valid anywhere else
outside of Participating Stores. - Please check whether a store is participating in this Promotion, and the opening times of
the Participating Store, before travelling to a store to participate in the Promotion. - How can I check when my local Participating Store is open? If you are unsure when
the Participating Store you wish to visit is open, you can email or call your local store
during opening hours to check if a LUSH store is participating in this Promotion, contact
details can be found here: https://www.lush.com/uk/en/shops/. - Eligible Participants: This Promotion is open to members of the public, who are at least
18 years of age, which does not include:
(a) employees of the Promoter or its holding or subsidiary companies,
(b) employees of agents or suppliers of the Promoter or its holding or subsidiary
companies, who are professionally connected with the promotion or its administration; or (c) members of the immediate families or households of (a) and (b) above. - What is the Complimentary Product? one (1) Lush Wiccy Magic Muscles Massage
Bar (https://www.lush.com/uk/en/p/wiccy-magic-muscles-massage-bar ) RRP £8.00
70g and one (1) Salt Water Soother Bath Bomb RRP £5.00 180g
(“Complimentary Product”). - How to Participate:
a. The first two hundred (200) eligible participants who visit the LUSH Dublin
Grafton Street store during the Participating Store Opening Hours with their
Dublin Marathon 2024 medal will be entitled to the Complimentary Product;
b. The first two hundred (200) eligible participants who visit the Lush Henry Street
store during the Participating Store Opening Hours with their Dublin Marathon
2024 medal will be entitled to be entitled to the Complimentary Product;
c. The first one hundred (100) eligible participants who visit the Lush Dundrum store
during the Participating Store Opening Hours with their Dublin Marathon 2024
medal will be entitled to the Complimentary Product; - Other Promotions: This Promotion is not valid in conjunction with any other online or in
store offer or promotion unless stated. - Complimentary Product Limit: A limit of one (1) Complimentary Product per Participant
applies to this Promotion. - No purchase: No purchase necessary to participate.
- There is no cash alternative to the Complimentary Product. The Complimentary Product
is not exchangeable for cash or for any other LUSH product or for any LUSH gift card. - Returns: Returns of the Complimentary Product (regardless of condition) will not result
in a refund or payment to you of any sort. - Your Legal Rights: Nothing in these Terms shall affect any participant’s legal rights
including all rights in respect of refunds or replacements for products which are faulty,
not fit for purpose or not as described. - Subject to Availability: This Promotion is subject to stock availability. Whilst reasonable
efforts have been made to ensure sufficient stocks are available to meet likely demand,
LUSH reserves the right to suspend or end the Promotion early in any one or more
Participating Store without notice if, in the opinion of LUSH, there is not sufficient stock to
continue operating the Promotion. Please check that your Complimentary Product are in
stock at your chosen Participating Store before taking part in this Promotion. - Unclaimed Complimentary Product: If there are unclaimed Complimentary Products
when this Promotion closes, those Complimentary Products will remain the property of
LUSH and LUSH may dispose of them as it sees fit, this may include offering the
Complimentary Products for sale in the normal way. - LUSH reserves the right to cancel the Promotion or amend the Terms without notice in
the event there is any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or
any other event outside LUSH’s reasonable control. - LUSH and a Participating Store reserve the right to not award a Complimentary Product,
disqualify a participant or ask a participant to leave a Participating Store if there are
reasonable grounds to believe that any person is not eligible for any reason or for any
other lawful reason, including unruly behaviour or failure to comply with these Terms. - Any attempt to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Promotion may be
a violation of criminal and/or civil laws and, should such an attempt be made, LUSH
reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law,
including criminal prosecution. - Limitation of Liability:
- Subject to clause 20(b), LUSH and its group companies accept no responsibility
- for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any person as a result
- of their participation in this Promotion, their attempted participation or their
- acceptance of any product.
- Nothing in these Terms shall exclude LUSH’s liability for death or personal injury
- as a result of its negligence, or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for
- any other liability which may not be lawfully limited or excluded under English
- law.
- By participating or attempting to participate in this Promotion, participants agree
- that LUSH shall not bear any liability for: the loss, theft or misuse of any product;
- or any damage in any way attributable to this Promotion or the attempted
- participation in this Promotion, subject to clause 20(b).
- No Waiver: Any failure on any occasion by LUSH to enforce a Term is not a waiver of
that Term. - Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Promotion and these Terms will be governed by
English Law and, subject to any right you may have as a consumer to select jurisdiction,
any disputes will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. This
Promotion and any location on which these Terms are posted are only intended to be
accessed from Ireland. LUSH does not make any representation that materials relating
to this Promotion are appropriate or available for use at other locations. Access to them
from territories where their contents are illegal is strictly prohibited. If you view these
Terms from territories other than Ireland, you are responsible for compliance with all
local laws. - How to contact LUSH: LUSH can be contacted in relation to this Promotion by emailing
LUSH UK Customer Care at: wecare@lush.co.uk.