For Climate and Nature

It’s #ZeroHour

Lush is campaigning with Zero Hour to urge MPs to pick up the Climate and Ecological Emergency bill.

From the 17th to the 22nd of September Lush will campaign with Zero Hour, calling on members for the public to lobby their MPs to back the Climate and Ecological Emergency bill. For the duration of the campaign Lush’s 101 stores across the UK will feature shop windows listing statistics on how the UK has contributed to climate change and ecological degradation, advocating that it is time to ‘pick up the bill’. 

The window will also feature a QR code linking customers to Zero Hour’s website where they can learn more about the current climate and environmental crisis, the Bill, and how to contact their MPs to act. 

The campaign emphasises that passing this Bill is a matter of urgency. Currently if the world followed the UK’s plans, the chance of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees would sit at 50% – the toss of a coin – while on ecological terms, the UK ranks the 12th worst country in the world for protecting nature. Now we must lobby MPs to act by signing.

This Bill is unique in that it offers a framework for the Government and the Public to work together to halt the effects of climate change. However it is essential that businesses also get on board with these initiatives as they are the biggest contributors to climate change. There are huge opportunities to do business better and the public are crying out for us to use their money more wisely in our supply chains and processes. This Bill offers a collaborative approach where all of us can come together towards a solution.

Hilary Jones, Ethics Director, Lush
Caroline Lucas MP speaking on the urgency of this Bill and how Lush and Lush customers can support it.

What is the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill?

The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill is a Private Member’s Bill, first presented in the UK Parliament in September 2020 by Caroline Lucas MP. Over the last year, it gathered backing from 115 MPs, and 39 Peers from all major parties, as well as the support of hundreds of organisations, businesses and over 100 councils.

You can read the CEE Bill in full here, or see the executive summary here.

Why do we need the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill?

Drafted by scientists, legal experts, ecological economists and environmentalists, the CEE Bill is designed specifically to reverse the climate and ecological breakdown we’re facing.

The Bill would ensure the UK tackle the climate and nature crises together and take full responsibility for our entire climate and ecological footprint – at home and abroad.

Key measures include:

  1. Addressing the climate and nature emergencies ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’, in a joined up approach.
  2. Annual, legally-binding carbon budgets inline with the most ambitious end of the Paris Agreement, that include our consumption emissions
  3. A legally-binding nature target, inline with existing pledges, and beyond when it comes to the protection and restoration of key ecosystems in the UK like as carbon sinks, as well as taking responsibility for the global environmental damage from UK consumption, trade and production. 
  4. A fair transition, with input from Climate and Nature Assembly, representative of the UK population, with support for vulnerable communities and retraining for people currently working in high-impact industries.

To see how you can get involved and support the campaign click here.

Notes for Editors

Zero Hour is the campaign group behind the Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill. MPs, Peers, scientists, councillors, celebrities and conservationists across the country support the campaign, which is advised by experts, including key figures from the campaign for the 2008 Climate Change Act.


For more information please contact the Zero Hour press team 

Casper Horton at, +44 7824 992583

Tom Pashby at, +44 7942 363713


About Lush

Lush invent, manufacture and retail fresh handmade cosmetics.  A beauty company with a campaigning heart, Lush is passionate about direct action and uses their stores around the world as a platform to shed light on little known social and environmental issues. 


For more information please contact or call 0207 434 3948.

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