Macaque Bubble Bar

This limited edition bubble bar is helping to protect the primary rainforests of Simeulue, Indonesia – home to many different endangered wildlife including the Long-tailed Macaque. By purchasing this product you’re helping fund solutions to deforestation and human-wildlife conflict on the island.
Silvi Dwi Anasari, Community Ranger Coordinator from EcosystemImpact Foundation explains,
“Protecting wildlife and their natural habitat isn’t just about preventing them from from going extinct, but also about protecting a home for all of us to live side by side on our planet earth.”
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Simeulue Island and Long-tailed Macaques
Simeulue Island is one of the last islands covered in primary rainforest in the world. It’s rich in biodiversity, home to 7 bird species that are globally endangered as well as the endangered Long-tailed Macaque. The Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is an important keystone species on Simeulue Island, Indonesia. They act as natural ecosystem engineers dispersing seeds by dropping or defecating them, helping sow and fertilise new plants which promotes environmental health. They are now endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and are at risk of extinction due to multiple threats.
Their home is disappearing
Macaques and other species in Simeulue are facing increased pressure from habitat destruction as their forest home is cleared and converted for agriculture. Simeulue island is home to smallholder farmers who face limited options to invest in regenerating their farms and improving productivity. In Simeulue, thousands of hectares of forested land could be cleared for agricultural expansion. With every hectare of primary rainforest converted, the habitat of Macaques and other endangered species shrinks.
Human-Macaque Interactions
As well as habitat destruction, Long-tailed Macaques are further threatened from poaching and human-wildlife conflict. Poaching, the capture or killing of wildlife, is common in primates such as Macaques. They are captured in the wild to be used for biomedical research, entertainment and the exotic pet trade. The Long-tailed Macaque is the most traded primate species in the world.
Human-wildlife conflict refers to negative interactions between populations of humans and other species, typically linked to perceived threats the wildlife poses to people’s livelihoods, property or safety. In this case, the habitat loss caused by agricultural conversion leaves the Macaques with less available habitat and more frequent human-macaque interactions. Some local farmers perceive that the Macaques are negatively impacting their livelihoods by damaging crops. In an attempt to manage the situation, people resort to killing Long-tailed Macaques or capturing them for the biomedical, exotic pet or meat trade.

Jane Dunlop, CoFounder EcosystemImpact Foundation shares,
“Keystone species like the macaque are an important symbol, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things. In Simeulue they connect to forests and farmers and remind us to consider wildlife, forests and human well-being for an integrated approach to regenerating our planet.”
Make an impact with this giving product
75% of the sales price (minus tax) will be donated to EcosystemImpact, a non-profit foundation in Indonesia addressing conservation issues in Sumatra. EcosystemImpact will be working collaboratively with local organisations to carry out a three year project focused on protecting the primary forests and the rich biodiversity of Simeulue Island.
Funds raised will support the work of forest monitoring, establishing regenerative agriculture, social forestry projects and addressing wildlife poaching and human-Macaque conflict on the island.

Introducing: Keystone Giving
Inspired by keystone species, the Macaque bubble bar is Lush’s first Keystone Giving product. Keystone species are those species that help hold an ecosystem together or species that have a disproportionately large effect on their natural environment relative to their abundance.
Part of our evolving, wider Lush Giving collection, our Keystone Giving products will be funding different projects in priority landscapes. Projects will include regenerating landscapes for threatened wildlife, protecting a keystone species and developing human-focused solutions too, from addressing human-wildlife conflict to supporting sustainable livelihood opportunities.
Make an impact with your purchase by choosing a limited edition Macaque Bubble Bar today.

fundraising product
Conserving the Simeulue forests for endangered Macaques
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