31st october – 4th november

Unwrapping potential: Lush unveils ‘I Can’t Help It, I Like Art’ exhibition in Glasgow

Fresh, handmade cosmetics company Lush has announced the opening of an art exhibition in Glasgow dedicated to showcasing the designers behind its cult-classic reusable gift wraps.

The gallery will house ‘Knot Wrap’ designs created by the diverse array of artists Lush works with. This includes Glasgow-based charities Project Ability and Impact Arts who help local people, often with learning disabilities or mental ill-health, to create art.

Lush Knot Wrap Exhibition, Glasgow.

This first-of-its-kind exhibition, titled ‘I Can’t Help It, I Like Art’ exemplifies Lush’s commitment to all artists having a platform to showcase their work. It will be open to the public daily from Tuesday 31 October to Saturday 4 November from 11am-5pm at Project Ability’s exhibition space (103 Trongate, Glasgow, G1 5HD).

Visitors will have the opportunity to explore a curated collection of artworks featuring designs from ARTHOUSE Unlimited and Vivienne Westwood.

‘happiness makes a splash’ designed by a collection of artists from ARTHOUSE Unlimited – Maria Travis, Molly Parks, Louise Palmer, Sean Arundel, David Bell, Nicola Shattock, Tim Sweeny, Philippa Morrison, Marjorie Doherty, Peter Andrews, Christine Beadell, Ailsa McKenzie, Simon Hammond, Kiri Mompalao, Elena Richardson, Amy Sherratt, Julianne Clarke, Sarah Harbott, Michael O’Sullivan, and Pepeta Clothier

“We took a dive into a world of dreams and drew magical mermaids and wondrous underwater creatures” – Amy Sherratt & Michael O’Sullivan

‘Climate revolution’ designed by Vivienne Westwood

“I always say buy less and buy better quality, so that what you buy will last. These Climate Revolution Knot Wraps can replace wrapping paper and will last a lifetime. More importantly, when you buy them you join an uprising: the Climate Revolution that we need if we are to have a future that we survive and thrive in.” – Vivienne Westwood

Suzie Hackney, creative director and category lead for gifts at Lush, said: “At Lush we like to curate our gifts and Knot Wrap collections like a gallery, so it was an organic progression to work with artists to create them. We had worked with a small selection of freelancers up to this point and I had been designing and curating the collections for a couple of years when in 2015 I discovered ARTHOUSE Unlimited at a design fayre, fell in love with them and we have commissioned work with them ever since.

“We know that we have just begun this work in diversity and equity in design and we have a long way to go and a lot still to learn. With the relationships we have built so far we’ve learned a lot, had some great experiences and met a lot of inspiring people and artists along the way. We hope that through these collaborations we inspire others too.”

Lush acknowledges the privilege of working in this inclusive and socially responsible manner by offering opportunities for artists, as a commercial business. Through this exhibition, the company hopes to set an example for other companies, demonstrating the numerous benefits of working collaboratively with diverse voices and showcasing how valuable such collaborations can be to both the creative process and the community at large.

Suzie continues, “We invite everyone to join us at the gallery, where you can immerse yourself in the world of design and celebrate the brilliant artists behind these remarkable creations. We’re hugely grateful to Project Ability for housing this exciting exhibition, and for the incredible work they do to help disadvantaged people experience the beauty of art and design.”

‘i can’t help it i like art’ by Poppy Cole, Rocket Artists

The ‘I Can’t Help It, I Like Art’ exhibition will be open to the public daily from Tuesday 31 October to Saturday 4 November from 11am – 5pm at Project Ability, 103 Trongate, Glasgow, G1 5HD.

‘I Can’t Help It I Like Art’ by Poppy Cole. Poppy works with a wide range of materials, always exploring and experimenting with different methods and engaging all the senses.

About knot wraps

In the UK alone, it’s estimated that the amount of wrapping paper we use and dispose of every Christmas would stretch from earth to the moon! Knot Wraps are a lifelong, reusable – not to mention gorgeous – wrapping alternative. 

A Knot Wrap is a beautifully crafted piece of ornately decorated fabric that replaces the need for disposable wrapping paper or even a carrier bag! Inspired by furoshiki, an ancient Japanese tradition that uses techniques similar to origami, you can wrap almost anything regardless of its shape or size.

Lush Knot Wraps are made from recycled plastic bottles, 100% organic cotton, or vintage material. The designs come from a variety of designers and groups from around the world, including ARTHOUSE Unlimited, Intoart, Project Ability, Artbox and Downs Town Project.

about lush

Since establishing 27 years ago, Lush has been driven by innovation and its ethics. Creators of pioneering beauty products such as the fizzing bath bomb, shower jellies and solid shampoo bars, Lush places emphasis on fresh ingredients like organic fruits and vegetables. Lush fights tirelessly against animal testing and operates a thoroughly comprehensive Ethical Buying department, developing fair and direct trade initiatives. Lush leads the cosmetics industry in combating over-packaging by running public awareness campaigns and developing products that can be sold ‘naked’ to the consumer without any packaging. 

Today Lush operates in 48 countries with over 886 shops, 38 websites shipping worldwide and a global network of native apps, broadcasting channels and digital communities in over 30 languages. 
For further information or interview requests please email [email protected]

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