The Lush Prize, Lay Judge Opportunity

Now in its eleventh year, The Lush Prize has grown to become the largest global awards programme to recognise scientists and campaigners working to replace animals in chemical safety testing. It has provided more than £2.7 million to support animal-free testing and campaigns around the world.
Now is your chance to be part of this vitally important process, which is striving to protect animals internationally.
Each year one customer and one staff member is placed alongside scientists and other specialists as part of the independent Lush Prize judging panel, so they can represent the views of the wider public.
Making sure that everyone is represented is important – after all, public pressure was vital in securing non-animal testing policies in the European Parliament. In fact, it has been key to all the improvements to animal welfare throughout the ages, so guest members of the judging panel are granted the same voting rights as the experts.
To become the 2024 Lush Prize Lay Judge you don’t need to be a scientist or an expert – although a good understanding of science or animal campaigning would be a bonus. What is needed is a passion for animal welfare, the ability to read and evaluate the various Prize applications (these will all be in English) and a desire to reward those involved in innovating the advances in non-animal testing methods.
There are five main prize categories for nominations: Science, Young Researcher, Training, Lobbying and Public Awareness.
The Prize has always been encouraged by the potential of 21st century technologies, like genetics and robotics, to replace the Victorian-era technology of live animal use. Previous science winners include US universities specialising in organ-on-a-chip research, Chinese researchers using human stem cells in their tests, and UK projects focussing on computer modelling of chemical toxicity.
In the eleven years since its launch, much has changed in the science world regarding the use of animals in testing, but much remains to be done. Join us in watching this short video to understand how the landscape has changed over the last decade.
This year, the judges are particularly looking for scientists who are developing new tests to address more complex safety issues, for example in developmental toxicity (the passing of chemicals between mothers and unborn babies).
Alongside the five main prize categories, there are three recognition awards for Political Achievement, Health Charity Project and Major Science Collaboration to recognise the importance of international collaboration, positive action by elected politicians and efforts being made by Health Research Charities in our fight towards an end to animal testing.
This is a volunteer post. You would need to have time available to thoroughly read all prize entries in advance of the Lush Prize judging day, form opinions on them and represent the voice of the public during judging. You would also need to be available the week commencing 5th February 2024 to join the other judges in a virtual meeting, reviewing and choosing this year’s prize winners.
Take a look at what other judges will join you on the 2024 judging panel here.
If being the 2024 Lush Prize Lay Judge sounds like your type of thing, simply tell us in your own words what experience you would bring and why you should be the person to represent the public on the judging panel this year. You can enter your application in writing, or feel free to send us a short video.
Please email applications to judges@lush.co.uk – with the subject Customer Judge.
The closing date for entries is 24th Nov 2023
Lush Prize is run independently by Ethical Consumer Research Organisation. To learn more visit the The Lush Prize website www.lushprize.org
Nominations for the Lush Prize 2024 are now open, and will close on Friday 1st December 2023 at midnight (UK time). Individuals or groups can nominate themselves of others via the website at www.lushprize.org
Winners will be awarded their prizes at an awards ceremony in May 2024.
Don’t miss the Lush Prize webinar!
14th November 2023 14.00-16.30 GMT (2hrs, 30mins)
“How can roadmaps help bring forward an end to all animal use in chemical safety testing?”
When and how will ‘concrete’ steps on roadmaps be established, which will translate into meaningful elimination of animal tests and make way for more scientifically relevant approaches?
Global science and campaigning continue with the aim of securing commitment from authorities and regulators to transition to animal-free research and testing.
Awareness of the need for animal-free innovation continues to grow, with the ongoing development of new non-animal methods. However the number of animals used in tests has stagnated or in many areas is increasing.
Join us and our expert speakers to delve into this discussion further.
Register here.