A project created by Talia Woodin.

Introducing ‘COP-out’, a collaborative multimedia project created by youth activist, photographer and filmmaker; Talia Woodin. This project focuses on the views held by youth climate justice organisers and activists, from around the world, on COP26. Through a short documentary and portrait series, Talia explores the question of the relevance of COP26 for the Global Climate Justice Movement and whether young people still have any hope or faith in the event and in those in power. Have young people instead taken matters into their own hands and is the real work actually being done outside of the confines of the worlds ‘most important’ climate event?
Featuring the voices, experiences and work of numerous individuals and groups from around the world, ‘COP-out’ aims to bring those, often ignored and unheard voices, to the spotlight and platform them in a truly authentic and grassroots way, from the individuals themselves. Watch the trailer below or click here and watch this space for more updates coming soon!
Live premiere of the documentary will be on 13th January 2022 at 7pm GMT.
To see more of Talia’s work find her on social media, @taltakingpics, or go to https://taliawoodin.wixsite.com/taliaw. To support the individuals and groups involved in the project check out the platforms bellow:
View and download imagery and assets here.
For further information, please email talia.woodin@gmail.com