An annual round-up of all the Tailormade giving donations for 2021

Lush UK donates surplus product from our factories to a whole range of different groups and charities supporting various causes. We always aim to prioritise requests from small, grassroots organisations that support vulnerable communities, animals and habitats in the UK. Sometimes our support is taken overseas, for example when donating to migrant and refugee camps across Europe.
With the impact that Covid has had on organisations and communities, we have seen a huge rise in requests for product donations. We’re not always able to fulfil all requests due to stock availability, but we try our best to accommodate as many as possible, as we really appreciate all the hard work that charities and grassroots organisations do to support vulnerable communities. In 2021, we fulfilled 77% of all requests.
In total, 65,900 items were donated; 80% of which were products, 19% of which was packaging and Lush Times, and the remaining 1% were miscellaneous items such as boots, clothing and furniture.
In 2021 we donated to the groups supporting the following organisations:
- Food banks, housing organisations and shelters supporting the homeless or those with addictions
- Groups supporting refugees, migrants & asylum seekers
- Domestic or sexual abuse charities & women’s shelters
- Children & young people’s services
- Care homes, hospitals and hospices, including those supporting mental health needs
- Animal & wildlife rescues or charities
- Activist groups
- Schools, nurseries & community groups
If you’d like to request a product donation on behalf of a charity or organisation, please click here.
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