A 10 year plan, because it’s all we have

An introduction
To Leave the World Lusher than we Found it
A 10 year plan, because it’s all we have.
And now we find ourselves in the middle of multiple crises. A pandemic deeply affecting human life interwoven with a climate, ecological and economic crisis. The need for deep and systemic change is clearer than ever and creating better businesses, more sustainable and fair will just scratch the surface of all that needs to shift. Beyond long-term targets and goals, these times call for a much more fundamental commitment. It is our commitment to life. In support of the ever unfolding diversity, complexity, growth of life on our living planet, of rewilding life with humans at the heart of this transformation. How can we create a business that has that as a north star guiding business decisions and developments?
Our four aspirations:
Regenerative • our value chain helps to regenerate ecosystems and communities.
Circular • our business produces nothing that technical cycles or biological cycles cannot process (carbon emissions, water, materials, hazardous chemicals)
Biophilic • we inspire love for nature and for humans as nature.
One Living Community • we are an interconnected community of life: people, animals, plants, fungi, etc. We exist to serve the flourishing of this community.
Ultimately, we would like to leave the world lusher than we found it.
Our new Leave The World Lusher Than We Found It policy coming soon.
On our journey to leave the world Lusher than we found it, it is important to check our progress towards our destination. Here is a snapshot of where we are in terms of our performance so we can continuously review our routes and pace of action.

Further reading →