An annual round-up of all the Tailormade giving donations for 2019

In 2019 we saw an increase in requests for product donations, we received 1351 requests from various charities and service providers. Sadly we cannot donate to everyone who gets in touch.
The Giving Map shows the areas of the UK we have donated products to, you can click on the map to see the full giving map.
In total, we donated 724 packages containing 94744 individual products to causes we support such as Mental health services, Women’s refuges and Homeless shelters, to name a few.
The chart shows the service sectors we have donated to and the number of donations they have received from us in 2019.
Tech donations
In 2019 we started donating some of our surplus office Tech to charities and groups that Lush support. The laptops and computers we donate provide invaluable tools for groups to facilitate their day to day admin, campaigning and most importantly provide learning tools for volunteers and service users. For some groups and service users, they are a lifeline to the outside world.
Some of the donations have been sent to groups who have applied to Charity Pot and Spring prize, by donating our surplus Tech they can use the funds on other much-needed resources. Altogether we donated to 8 of these charities.
Furniture, clothing and toy donations
2019 saw some lovely donations to causes that were in need of furniture, Boots, Clothing and Toys.
In particular, Help Bristols Homeless charity benefited from some lovely chairs and coffee tables that were no longer needed at Dolphin Quays.
- 216 Items of furniture and items from office and shop refurbs were donated.
- 3 large boxes of toys and books were donated to children’s groups
- 150 Pallets of ribbons and gift packaging were donated to scrap stores, hospitals and refugee groups for crafts.
- 30 Pallets were sold to staff, the proceeds of the sale were given to charity.
- 150 pairs of Lush Manufacturing safety boots were donated to refugee groups.
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