To stop dining out on the planet!

Performance stunt at COP26 highlights how the planet has been used as a running buffet for decades.
Now it’s time to pick up the Bill.
At COP26, Lush is partnering with Zero Hour to hold street performances, lambasting world leaders for dining out on the planet for so long, and calling on the UK Government to pick up the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill, which is currently before the House of Commons.

The performance shows actors dressed in life-like latex masks depicting current world leaders dining at a banquet of environmental and climate degradation: endangered species, fossil fuels, and climate disaster are all on the menu. The bill shown to the diners for their feast lists a variety of statistics and facts related to climate and environmental degradation.

Leaders seated at the table are Boris Johnson, Jair Bolsonaro, Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron, Xi Jinping, Scott Morrison, and Joe Biden. The banquet they are feasting on includes Roast Polar Bear, End Game Pie, and Burnt Alaska.
The first of the three performances took place outside of COP26’s Green Zone, by Plantation Quay in Glasgow on Thursday 4th November. Two more will be taking place on Friday 5th November; one outside of the Lush Glasgow City store on Buchanan Street at 11 am, and the other in George Square at 12:30 pm.
For photo opportunities of the performances on Friday 5th November, please confirm attendance by contacting lushpr@lush.co.uk or call 0207 434 3948.
The pledges we’re hearing at COP are promising, but we’ve heard this all before. What we need is legislation to lock them in law, and make them stick. Inaction on climate and nature from the world leaders has run up a tab that we can’t leave to future generations. It’s zero hour, and time to pick up the CEE Bill.
Lush strongly advocates for other cosmetics companies and their peers in UK industry to back this Bill to protect climate and nature, working toward reversing the damage that has already been done.
This Bill is unique in that it offers a framework for the Government and the public to work together to halt the effects of climate change and nature loss. However, it’s essential that businesses also get on board with these initiatives as they are the biggest contributors to climate change. There are huge opportunities to do business better and the public are crying out for us to use their money more wisely in our supply chains and processes. The CEE Bill offers a collaborative approach where all of us can come together towards a solution.
Notes to Editors:
About the CEE Bill
The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill is a private member’s bill, first presented in the UK Parliament in September 2020 by Caroline Lucas MP. It’s since gathered the backing of 150 MPs and Peers from every major party, as well as the support of hundreds of organisations, businesses and over 100 local councils. Read the CEE Bill in full here, and a briefing note here.
About Zero Hour
Zero Hour is the campaign behind the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill. MPs, scientists, business leaders, councillors, celebrities and conservationists across the UK nations are supporting the campaign; which is advised by leading experts, including key figures from the campaign for the Climate Change Act 2008.
For more information, please contact Zero Hour press lead, Casper Horton, at casperhorton@ceebill.uk or call 07824 992 583.
About Lush
Lush invent, manufacture and retail fresh handmade cosmetics. A beauty company with a campaigning heart, Lush is passionate about direct action and uses their stores around the world as a platform to shed light on little known social and environmental issues.
For more information please contact lushpr@lush.co.uk or call 0207 434 3948.
Photography: digitalpict.com
View and download photos here.