Cuando una persona tiene entre las manos su favorito Lush, en realidad sostiene algo que va mucho más allá de un simple producto.
Sostiene un complejo entramado de relaciones, de flujos de materiales, creatividad, trabajo humano, movimiento y vida, que han tenido que organizarse de una manera determinada, con un cierto orden (aunque a veces de forma caótica) para que ese producto llegue hasta ahí.
Desde los laboratorios de Lush hasta las manos de la #ComunidadLush nuestra cosmética pasa por varias etapas: inventamos cada producto, nos abastecemos de todas las materias primas con cuidado y los hacemos a mano en nuestras fábricas locales repartidas por todo el mundo. Cuando todavía están frescos, los transportamos a las tiendas o a nuestros almacenes digitales, desde donde llegan a la clientela a través del personal de tiendas, de los artículos de nuestra página web y de los vídeos en YouTube. Por el camino, apoyamos a grupos increíbles a través de distintos programas solidarios, además de hacer campañas para ofrecer una plataforma a las causas que creemos justas
Cada movimiento que hacemos en este viaje es una oportunidad para dejar el mundo mejor de lo que lo encontramos.
Our Giving
Our global Giving ecosystem is relevant, radical and wide reaching. We have five main stream to flow our giving. Keep reading to find out more about whom we have funded, how much we give way and more details about how each one of those categories is supporting change in the world.
Our Impact
Every movement we make in this journey is an opportunity to Leave the World Lusher than we Found it. In this section, we share how we are making an impact in the world, sometimes a footprint, other times a handprint, as we learn what a regenerative business could look like.
Fighting Animal Testing
We have been fighting against animal testing since before we opened our first shop, and the fight continues today. Animal testing is poor science and its results are irrelevant for humans.
Digital Impact
What happens in the digital world impacts our planet and its inhabitants. But that impact can be positive, if only technology can give more back to society and the environment than it takes away.
A brief history…
Strasbourg Dump
Go Naked Now
Fair Trail My Arse
Trains not Planes
Anti Shark Finning
Reprieve: Guantanamo Bay
Palm Oil
Wheel of Misfortune: Biofuel
I’m a chameleon get me out of here
Ban of fox hunting
Tar Sands
Free West Papua
No one is illegal
Fighting Animal Testing
Break the bag habit
No cop out for wildlife
Climate Revolution with Vivienne Westwood
Drone Age
Anti badge culling
Don’t Frack our Future
Cruelty free kisses
Peace One Day
Climate Revolution
Sign of love
Anti-badger cull projects
Hen Harriers
Deep Sea Trawling
TTIP with Vivienne Westwood
Gay is OK
Keep It On
Free Andy Tsege
What The Fur
SOS – Sumatran Orangutan Society
World Oceans Day
Spy Cops
Egg free
Our Missions
These policies are in place in Lush UK and are evolving continuously as we respond to world events, new legislation and our own aspirations to constantly improve. Where Lush has partners in other parts of the world, we encourage them to adopt similar policies.
Employee Benefit Trust
Lush has been 10% employee owned since 2017, giving our staff a voice and a say in our ethics and more. Meet the trustees and discover Lush’s journey…
Further reading
Gender Pay Gap reports
Lush should be a safe place, and a level playing field, for everyone regardless of sex, gender, age, race, class, nationality, religion, disability, sexuality or any perceived difference. Our aim is always to celebrate diversity, to be gender neutral and for opportunity to be equally available to all.
Trending: Black Friday
Buy more, to save more (rainforests)! Don’t miss the chance for massive savings, as when you buy any of these products you are helping to save ecosystems and protect biodiversity somewhere in the world.