已捐出逾 1 億英鎊
We reached £100 million in charitable giving, Thank for your support

「對抗仇恨的良方是愛,對抗貪婪的良方是施予,通往自由的關鍵是善意。生命是如此芬芳。」 — 野生動物節目主持人及環保人士 Chris Packham
自 2007 年起,Lush 一直透過多個慈善項目支持草根團體及運動倡議者,協助他們繼續為人民權益、動物權益和環境保護等議題繼續發聲並支持改善社會的工作。全因我們的顧客慷慨解囊,Lush 目前已累計籌得逾 1 億英鎊的善款,在全球進行了超過 19,000 次的慈善捐贈。
在剛過去的財政年度,Lush 捐贈了公司營業額的 1% 給予那些實踐我們所關注並啟發我們的團體,秉承 Lush 的施予精神。
Lush 的捐贈涵蓋多個層面,包括每兩年舉辦的打擊動物測試大獎,透過 25 萬英鎊獎金基金以嘉許致力於廢除動物測試或研發非動物測試的研究人員、科學家及其他充滿熱忱的運動倡議者。而環境再生及社區發展大獎 (獎金 20 萬英鎊,現正接受申請),則表揚那些積極實踐修復、重建受損環境的人或機構,共同為建立一個更健康、美麗的地球。
Lush 一向熱心推動社會運動發展 ,我們至今已推出近 50 款與社會議題有關的產品,為不同的議題發聲。在2008年初與人權非營利組織 Reprieve 推出 Guantanamo Garden 汽泡彈,呼籲大眾關注古巴關達那摩灣中 (Guantanamo Bay) 沒有接受任何審判而被囚禁的囚犯所面對的困境,我們至今仍繼續不遺餘力地關注各地鮮為人知的社會議題。
Lush 特別創作了一首新歌曲,邀請全球員工及顧客到 Lush 門市以特別編排的舞蹈一同載歌載舞,慶祝善款逾 1 億英鎊的里程碑。
在2007 年 4 月,Lush 的聯合創辦人兼行政總監 Mark Constantine 推出了慈善愛心潤膚乳計劃,當初的目標是為草根慈善機構、運動團體及其他慈善項目籌集 100 萬英鎊,捐款能協助他們的工作並提高社會的關注。慈善愛心潤膚乳計劃累計籌得 7,500 萬英鎊,其受惠對象超過 17,000 個,佔 Lush 過去 17 年來總捐贈額的 75%,是貢獻最多的慈善項目。
在隆重慶祝這個重要的里程碑之際,Lush 認為這是一個很好的時機暫停慈善愛心潤膚乳計劃,重新審視善款的捐贈策略,以協助全球當前面臨的挑戰。雖然慈善愛心潤膚乳將於 2024 年 9 月底暫停出售,但 Lush 未來仍會繼續透過其他慈善產品及運動推動不同的社會議題。
‘The remedy for hate is love, the cure for greed is giving, the key to freedom is kindness, life is lush.’ Chris Packham, Wildlife TV presenter & conservationist
Since 2007, Lush has supported grassroot organisations and activists through multiple programs, enabling them to continue their work to improve society. Through its giving streams, Lush has now raised over £100 million and made over 19,000 donations globally thanks to the support of its customers.
In FY23 Lush donated just under 1% of the company turnover to grassroots groups driving tangible positive impact, showing commitment to a long term giving strategy.
The giving streams span across donation and campaigning products through to bi-annual awards such as The Lush Prize (£250,000 prize fund) rewarding those working to remove animals from safety testing, including scientists for their developments of new approach (non-animal tested) methodologies; and the Spring Prize (£200,000 prize fund), currently open for applications, awarding prizes to regenerative practices and those repairing the earth’s damaged systems.
Lush is also a campaigning company, having launched almost 50 campaign products, first launching Guantanamo Garden bath bomb with human rights nonprofit Reprieve, in early 2008, highlighting the plight of those imprisoned without trial in Guantanamo Bay and continues to campaign on little known issues to this day.
There is also a new song which has been produced to celebrate the £100 million milestone which staff and customers Globally are dancing to with a specially choreographed dance, bringing joy to Lush shop floors.
End of an era: The pot that has done a lot
When Co-Founder & CEO Mark Constantine formulated and launched Charity Pot in April 2007, he wished that it would raise £1m for small charities, campaigning groups and other good causes. The aim was to donate small grants to the grassroots activists causing mischief and he envisioned creating absolute chaos if we managed to raise a million from Charity Pot. Since then it has exceeded all expectations and raised £75 million across 17,000 grants. It’s been the biggest contributor to Lush’s giving over the past 17 years, making up 75% of the £100m.
Whilst celebrating this momentous milestone, the company feels it is a good time to pause Charity Pot, to reflect on charitable giving as a whole and assess the funding needed to meet the current challenges the World faces at this critical time.
Whilst Charity Pot will be leaving Lush’s shelves from the end of September 2024, campaigning and charity products will not be disappearing.