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* お客様よりご提供いただく本は、ラッシュを通じて「charibon」を運営するバリューブックスに送られてから査定され、査定金額が難民支援協会に支払われます。
札幌パルコ店・札幌ステラプレイス店・盛岡フェザン店・仙台ロフト店・青森ELM店・イオンモール秋田店・郡山駅店・FKDショッピングモール宇都宮インターパーク店・イオンモール羽生店・イオンレイクタウンkaze店・イクスピアリ舞浜店・イオンモール成田店・ららぽーとTOKYO-BAY店・横浜駅東口店・横浜ジョイナス店・Terrace Mall 湘南店・ららぽーと海老名店・イオンモール高崎店・イオンモール草津店・イオンモール太田店・吉祥寺店・町田modi店・イオンモールむさし村山店・渋谷駅前店・アリオ亀有店・上野マルイ店・八重洲地下街店・原宿店・池袋駅前店・新宿店・長岡リバーサイド千秋店・ラブラ2店・ららぽーと磐田店 ・静岡店・イオンモール岡崎店・mozoワンダーシティ上小田井店・イオンモール高岡店・名古屋パルコ店・イオンモール橿原店・京都The CUBE店・京都四条通り店・なんばパークス店・阪急西宮ガーデンズ店・ホワイティ梅田店・心斎橋店・天王寺ミオ店・LUCUA大阪店・大阪梅田店・ららぽーと和泉店・岡山一番街店・広島本通り店・イオンモール倉敷店・エミフルMASAKI店・ゆめタウン徳島店・熊本鶴屋百貨店・イオンモール熊本店・アミュプラザ鹿児島店・イオンモール宮崎店・アミュプラザ小倉店・イオンモール筑紫野店・アミュエスト博多店・福岡パルコ店・天神地下街店
* 一部回収実施ができない店舗がございます。お持ち込みの際はお近くの店舗が回収実施をしているか事前にご確認ください。
国際標準図書番号 ISBN番号がついている本(※本の裏に記載のISBNから始まる番号) ・2011年以降に出版された本
国際標準図書番号ISBN番号がついていない本・2010年以前に出版された本・一般雑誌・コンビニコミック・個人出版の本・マンガ雑誌 などの本は査定対象外のため原則回収いたしませんのでご留意ください。
Your book can help refugees in Japan
We are asking our customers to donate their secondhand books to “Charibon”, a sustainable secondhand book buying service that considers the circulation of books. Charibon aims to help refugees living in Japan to stay as warm, healthy, and safe as possible in the coming winter months during the pandemic. All proceeds of the books converted by Charibon will be donated to Japan Association for Refugees (an authorized NPO). This is the third time Lush have carried out the initiative to help improve the lives of refugees living in Japan, whose plight has been exacerbated by the pandemic.
The books you donate are sent over through Lush to VALUE BOOKS, a company that runs “Charibon”, for appraisal, and then the appraisal value is granted to Japan Association for Refugees.
If you have secondhand books lying on your bookshelf, please do not let them go to waste.
◆Collecting books from 19.Nov until 10.Dec at our shops Some of our shops are not able to collect your books. Please check with your local shop before you bring in your books for collection.
◆Eligible books ・Books with International Standard Book Number (ISBN) (*Numbers starting with ISBN on the back of a book) ・Books published after 2011
◆What kind of support will the refugees get? <What you can do with 30 books> You can provide 4 meals, such as pasta, curry and beans. There are refugees who have trouble living day to day as they have lost their jobs they finally managed to get after studying Japanese due to the closures of their workplaces.
<What you can do with 60 books> You can arrange overnight accommodation for refugees who have nowhere to stay. Due to the pandemic, some of the refugees end up having nowhere to stay as they can no longer rely on the people or the community like they used to. Refugees who go through anxiety and hardship are in need of a shelter where they can rest and relax.
<What you can do with 120 books> You can cover payment for one hospital visit. Many of the refugees are unable to access adequate medical care and are worried about their medical bills because they can’t get health insurance. Furthermore, Some of them are worried because they can’t freely seek medical attention due to the pandemic.
*Calculating 50 yen per book