Inventing effective products

Inventing effective products

Lush policies

The Lush inventors love to challenge convention.

We probably invent and create new products faster than any other cosmetics brand, and while we’re at it we like to have a bit of fun…

Innovating since 1995

Many of our products have little or no packaging, with the creative development team constantly rising to the challenge of making innovative products in solid formulations that don’t require bottling. Lush have spent decades developing solid products that work really effectively.

Why Solid? Solid products don’t need preservatives or excess packaging, which is altogether kinder for the environment. Simple really! As well as pioneering the freshest ever cosmetics, our policy is to always try to minimise our impact on the environment. We believe that the best way to tackle recycling is to not create the waste in the first place. At Lush this starts at ‘product development’ stage – where our emphasis and drive is to invent products that require no packaging whenever possible, or to keep packaging to a minimum. Each year we sell millions of ‘Naked’ products, thereby reducing the amount of packaging sent to landfill. Lush uses less than half the packaging materials a comparable cosmetic company would use just by selling products without packaging.

Invention The original Bath Bomb was invented by Mo Constantine OBE, co-founder, in 1989. The Bath Bomb was one of our earliest inventions. Ever since this flash of inspiration we haven’t stopped our exploration into the world of creative innovation. We own the patent on many of our solid inventions, ranging from Bath Ballistics and Shampoo Bars to Toothy Tabs, so you can experience our unique products just as we imagined them.

We invented many products like Bath Bombs, Bubble Bars and Jellys

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